Donate Money

One-Time or Monthly Donation

Please send or drop off your check to:
St. Joseph Food Program, Inc.
1465A Opportunity Way
Menasha, WI 54952

If you would like to drop off your check, you are welcome to do so during our donation drop-off hours. 

To make a secure donation over the phone, please call our office at (920) 734-9461 and ask to speak with our Business Manager, SanDee Feller.


You can donate gifts of stock, mutual funds, and other securities and property to St. Joseph Food Program. These gifts are tax deductible to donors who itemize gifts on their tax returns.

To avoid any taxes on the gain in these securities, follow these instructions.

  • Contact St. Joseph Food Program at 920-734-9461 to notify us that you will be making a stock donation.

  • Contact Wintrust Wealth Management at 920-734-1474 to make said donation.

  • To help make the process as smooth as possible, please use the following information:

    • Wintrust's DTC# 0075

    • SJFP’s account number is 7529-2009

    • SJFP’s tax ID number is 39-1822486

    • Wintrust will send a letter or email to SJFP regarding the gift and an acknowledgement of the gift will be mailed to the donor.

Planned Giving

For over 40 years, St. Joseph Food Program has been feeding the hungry in the Fox Valley. The need for food is a daily, on-going need and, as a result, funding for our program is also a continuous need.

Please consider including St. Joseph Food Program in the planning of your will or living trust as the ultimate gift to help support our organization. Your gift to St. Joe’s will help us meet the food needs of hundreds of families each week who visit our program each week and extend our impact beyond the basic need of food. St. Joe’s remains committed to Fighting Hunger. Sustaining Hope.

For more information about including St. Joe’s in your will or living trust, please contact us.